Saturday, May 2, 2009

Bumps in da road, but getting there

I safely arrived in Amsterdam... to find out that my flight to Uganda was canceled (or never existed?? weird). Soooo, they've put me up in a *sweet* hotel for the night, and rescheduled for a later flight tomorrow. I've called Auntie Peggy in Uganda and got to talk to the Mayor of Lugazi as well until my card ran out, so they know I will be late but are making arrangements to pick me up.
I sat next to this cool, cool Ugandan lady from St. Paul to Amsterdam, and found out that she has HIV and really wants to partner with us for the month that she will be in Uganda to speak to others with it, and tell them to get tested and treated. She's been living in the US for 8 yrs and has really seen the great benefits to breaking the social stigma attached to HIV and to properly deal with it to lead a healthy and happy life.


  1. yay! i'm glad you have another blog...and that you're going to post more than you did in china! :) it'll be fun to hear about your adventures in Uganda! i was bummed that i didn't get to see you before you left! :( take care!

  2. Hi Melis! I love that your going to Uganda. Seriously super rad.

    Drop me an email at if you want an invite to my blog.

    Crystal Fawson

  3. Yay Melissa! I'm so glad you have a blog so we can read all about your adventures. Email me so I have your email address and I will invite you to my blog. heatheresplin at yahoo . com

  4. Hey it's Karolee.Yay I'm so glad you started another blog. How are you? I haven't talked to you in about 6 months so I'm completely confused about your post. That's awesome you are going to Uganda. what are you going to do there?

  5. I'm so jealous that you're in Africa! send pictures!
